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Myanmar Land of Thousand Pagodas Part 1: Yangon I looked out the window of the plane at the plain under the ragged clouds and wondered where we were even going to land. During the descent towards the airport, it appeared that the ground was riddled with water capillaries. Wherever there was even a bit of a riverbed, a lower part of the field, it was flooded with muddy brown water that spilled out in all directions. The meanders said that there was a broad plain below. I knew that I was coming to the country in the monsoon season, but

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Ubari lakes

Ubari lakes Water in the desert Deserts can be unbearably hot during the day and severely cold at night, sometimes even the snow whitens the sand. When we think of deserts, we are reminded of camel caravans, mirages and film performances of imminent deaths due to thirst. Endless sand dunes give the feeling of a terrible lack of water, but nevertheless, the water is present. If not elsewhere, below the surface. Mostly it needs to be dug or drilled deep to reach it, but sometimes it comes to the surface on its o wn. Oases with palm trees and other vegetation

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Melhiorca Female mercury smuggler No one knew how old she was. She probably wasn’t quite sure about her age either. A pedlar from Šebrelje lived with her youngest son Florjan. What she managed to grow in the field, she wore in a vivid color bag, sewn from patches of various pieces of cloth, to sell in Idrija. With the earnings she was purchasing Idrija lace and reselling it elsewhere.    She was talkative, less reserved people would call her sassy. With sophisticated chattering she managed to sell some lace or some carrots well. From constantly wearing the bundle on her back,

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MetalDays in B&W

MetalDays in B&W A selection of 100 black and white photographs from five festivals of metal music – MetalDays 2017-2019 and Winter Days of Metal 2018 v.1&2

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The road to the Sahara

The road to the Sahara – from Sebha to Ubari Tour operator, driver, stops and rabbits Sebha An oasis on the edge of the Sahara, once a caravan stop, now a desert city with a hundred thousand souls. Sebha or also Sabha is still a hub of roads from all 4 sides of Libya. The city is the starting point for a trip to the desert. I bought a plane ticket in Tripoli and hoped to be able to get an offorad vehicle with a driver for the desert in Sebha. I may have barely gotten on a plane, as

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Processio Locopolitana – 300 years of Škofja Loka Passion play (1721-2021)

Processio Locopolitana – 300 years of Škofja Loka Passion Play (1721-2021) Lovrenc Marušič, originally from Štandrež near Gorica, came to Capuchin monastery of Škofja Loka around 1715 as Father Romuald. In 1720, the Loka Capuchins received permission to prepare a penitential procession in dramatic form, as took place on Good Friday in Ljubljana and Novo Mesto. There they were in German, and Father Romuald wrote the text for Škofja Loka in Slovene, and the directing records are in German, Latin and Slovene. This is how the manuscript with the Latin name “Instructio pro processione Locopolitana in die parasceues Domini” –

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A vampire of the Akakus

A vampire of the Akakus A story over evening tea “In the evening, the heat subsided a bit. A group of tourists were already asleep, and I was irritated by the tiny dust that hovered above the ground. I tossed and turned for a while, then I felt a kind of heaviness in my throat and I found it very difficult to breathe. I opened my eyes anxiously and saw a dark figure above me. His white eyes stared straight at me, and his unnaturally long arms pressed against my neck. He had his head high in the sky, almost

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Gareh Kelisa – The Black Church

Gareh Kelisa – The Black Church The hot Iranian summers and the old Mercedes bus without air conditioning are to blame for me coming sweaty after a few hours of driving from Tabriz to Maku. I am mostly to blame for not taking into account that the bus ticket has to be bought in advance. The seats were sold out, I waited until the last. In the meantime, I picked up some curious glances from the passengers. The driver took pity on me, probably the only foreigner who had taken his bus after a long time, and sat me down

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